Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sometimes, it can take a while. Sometimes our principles are without body, meaningless amidst their brave words.
Sometimes we take that death-defying leap reminding ourselves to breathe before hitting the water, and other times all we can do is breathe, and hope for the best.
I will pray with each additional exhale that the world will fall that much more softly into its place, and that all my peers, in this game of life, find their places at the table without too much trouble.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Mom, this is for you:)

Okay, this is for those of you who were eager to see my new hairstyle. It's surprisingly difficult to photograph oneself and be satisfied with the pics, so excuse the glamour shots above if they don't seem right to you.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

This is Michelle's baby boy, Samuel Jonah Dionne Sharpe. It is almost impossible to get a picture of him without a goofy face so there you go:)
This is hula hoop dancing!
Kelly is the master having done this crazy style of dancing for six years now. She is amazing to watch.
There are other pics of me facing the camera, but I don't look like I am dancing so I picked this one instead.
This is my friend Lina-lotta, a Swedish exchange student here at Western. (These pics are thanks to her camera:)

This is the view to the North and South taken by me hanging out my window. Campus is amongst all those trees on the hill in the background of the picture below. Check out the windowed corner of the furthest building in the picture above - that is the climbing wall at the Y. I, often, watch people climbing while eating breakfast:)

For those who will never see it in person, these are some snapshots of my first fantastic apartment in Bellingham:)