Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dar Es Salaam

Fairy portals, arbutus, and love...oh my!

Fall Fair!

By the way, below on the green slide is The great zucchini race!

Fall Fair!!!!

It feels like my time is almost up

Sometimes in the middle of the night as I stumble my way to the bathroom, I stand in the dark and listen to the seals dream. Small splashes, grunts and groans, and the recent full moon leave me wanting more. I'm not ready to leave, but it feels like my departure is right around the corner.

Outside of animal care, many things have happened since my last post. I was asked by Jeff, the centre's founder, to give an educational presentation to a group at a retirement home which was quite an honor, particularly since Jeff hasn't said more than a handful of words to me during the entire internship. I won't be doing the presentation because it isn't for another week past my planned departure date...oh well.

The other day, I hiked Mt. Erskine, about 1400 ft. in an hour, to see what is supposedly one of the best views in British Columbia. It was beautiful though almost every view around here looks gorgeous. If you manage to increase your elevation in this part of the world through any means (hiking, planing, or spontaneously becoming a bird) suddenly you find yourself looking down on Pacific inlets, narrows, and ferries busily buzzing between the many green-spiked islands. If you're lucky, beyond the green humps, you will see snow-capped mountains ringing the horizon. I always feel like I have become part of a map and I find myself looking for the key on the tops of mountains. (The zoomed-in granite photo above is a monument to a hiker which we found on the top of Mt. Erskine...I hope that you all can read it.)

I have become the informal staff photographer around here. The "no picture taking" rules have been negotiated as the other interns and staff have set their own cameras down in lieu of getting copies of my shots. This means that I have had the opportunity to get close-ups of several off-limits seals and to spend some of my work time wandering with camera in hand to better catch everyone in action. (Now the only trick is getting pictures of me. My room-mate Crystal, the best room-mate in the world, is working on it. She grabs my camera every so often and sneaks around trying to catch me.)

Enjoy the new photos!