Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I remembered to get a picture of me!

With me is Jerry, a previous co-worker of mine from REI and currently, my neighbor.  He leads outdoor trips around the Northwest and on Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I was his assistant up on Mt. Hood.  It was only my second time snowshoeing.  

Despite the angry winds sweeping Portland and the surrounding area, we followed our trusty guide to the southeastern side of the mountain where there was absolutely no wind nor a cloud in the sky.  It was cold, but gorgeous.

Some of the pictures below seem like crazy combinations of color, but I swear that it was it actually looked like.  We were driving back as the sun was setting and the colors were fantastic. Depending on the light a tree received, it could have been green and lush with life or completely encased in glassy ice.  The transitions between these two scenes were abrupt and awe-inspiring.

Snowshoeing on Mt. Hood

My current 2000 piece puzzle