Thursday, March 15, 2007

coming soon: a map of me...sorry. I can't post the mosaic due to the extra-large file:(

For those of you who don't already know, I am graduating this year. In fact, I cross the stage on June 16. yea!!!! at the moment, I can't even comprehend that time, let alone getting on a plane this coming Monday headed for Florida. at the moment, I have three papers to write on ravens, animal telepathy, and Orcas (not necessarily in that order:), I have two presentations to give tomorrow, one of which is for phonetics, a world of knowledge I can barely wrap my head around, and I have at least six more interviews to do with my waiting animal clients. whew.

My Bellingham life has become quite hectic between doing sexual assault advocacy, working at the Food Bank, publicizing environmental events for campus, applying for summer jobs/internships around the world, working on my photography portfolio, and modeling for the fine arts department. Oh, and every Thursday is vegan potluck night at my house. One wouldn't think that I was a full time student, but I am simultaneously doing some cool work in school and connecting it to all the real world goop.

Two of my favorite people are leaving town soon....heading to Mexico on their bikes and I am preparing to leave as well. I can't for the life of me make up my mind about where I want to be the most, but you can count on it being somewhere interesting.

I hope that everyone out there is surviving in their own fantastic ways and that this blob of words find you in good health. My intention for this email was to show you all a picture of one of my final projects, a photo mosaic but the file is too large. In other words, it is still to come. Keep checking and I will keep working on it:)

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