Monday, August 04, 2008

Day 3 - Tel Aviv comes to Salt Spring

Today, I tube-fed a baby seal for the first time in my life and he was admirably cooperative.  His name is Dubai and he changed my life as tubing is a relatively advanced medical procedure and doing it on a wild baby seal is in a world of its own.  I got my daily dose of adrenaline not to mention a pile and a half of fish mash (you can imagine what that is) from head to toe from many another seal during the same feeding.  Some of them spit it, some snort it, and others just bite so hard on the tube that it shoots right back at us.  One never knows whether this is deliberate or not, but I have my suspicions.

Anyway, I have now acquired skills of pushing, burping, tubing, and preparing herring fish mash and fish cream.  Oh, and I am now a novice pharmacist as well.  I think this place has got their training down as I have only worked two full shifts and we now have 59 seal pups (one came in today and I named her Tel Aviv) as well as two owls, two fawns, some raccoons, gulls, and many swallows.   As it is 7PM and I am exhausted, I am headed to bed with my laptop and some Kerouac, not to be seen 'til the morn.

The picture above is the red light district, aka the seal pup quarantine area. 

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