Saturday, November 12, 2016

Castle grounds

I'm standing in front of my first European grand castle gazing out at the view when this vibration comes my way.  It sounded like someone was trying to push a grocery cart across the ancient cobblestone path.  When I turned around to define the mystery, I couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous sight before me which turned out to be a great friendship starter with Conor from Austin, Texas, goofball extraordinaire.  We were friends within moments.  He decided that walking was too slow to get everywhere so he brought his old-school blades and was rolling around the very bumpy Buda Hills having the time of his life.  Apparently, he was called a superhero twice that morning as he shimmied his way among the cobblestones, past locals and tourists alike.  
It's winter in Oslo, but still fall in Budapest.

The Buda Hills

The guards reminded me of London's Queen's guards, but they were not nearly as committed to stillness; I made eye contact with the young guy on the left almost immediately, and I swear he was trying not to smile in response.  I thought the lady in between offset their stoic natures well so another stranger is captured forever by my camera.  

I was about to leave when I heard movement behind me.  As it turned out, they were doing a gun routine that was quite cool to watch, almost like synchronized baton twirling.  The point of it all was to swap spots and get some movement back into the body in the process.  

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